How To Save Yourself From Devils

Devil's Thought And Its Solution In In Islam

There is no denyinge exists an unseen world beyond this material world possessing its own properties and no doubt belief in the existence of the unseen is a momentous integral of a Muslims beliefs,
the pinnacle to which is solely believing in the creator and sustainer Allah of the fact that ther. However, many dangers maybe faced along their voyage to discover and disclose, which must be combated and confronted with the spiritual strength of pure Tawheed only holding firm to that which has come from the lord of the worlds.

Some times it is difficult to get rid of shaitan from the body of the possessed. By reading Qur’an or by requesting the devil to get out, may not be enough. Hence, one (quaified) has to curse the devil and beat the person while reading Qur’an. Curing a possessed person and the removal of the jinn may require the afflicted individual be beaten many times. Such beating will fall on the jinn while the possessed human does not feel these blows on his body. When a demented person regains consciousness he would be a witness to those around him that he did not feel the pain of the beating.
At the same time there will be no effect or any trace mark from the beating on the body.